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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bristish Tourist Barred From Entering America Over Twitter Joke!.lol.

It's really become a close watch now as several Countries have created a watch dog in social Networking sites like twitter and facebook, it Sounds funny, but two bristish tourist were block, question over their twitter joke on destroying America.
Here's the full Details.

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here's their tweet that got them into America Homeland Security guard.

I'm going to destroy America and dig up Marilyn Monroe': British pair arrested in U.S. on terror charges over Twitter jokes

Two young British tourists were temporary blocked from entering America after sharing a joking on Twitter that they were going to 'destroy America' and 'dig up the corpse of Marilyn Monroe.
One of the Tourist, Leigh Van Bryan, 26, was hold and later handcuffed and kept under armed guard in a cell with Mexican drug dealers for good 12 hours after landing in Los Angeles with his friend, Emily Bunting.
America Department of Homeland Security looked at him as a potential threat when he tweet to his followers on twitter about his coming trip to Hollywood which read

Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America?'
Leigh Van Bryan plan was to go to Los Angeles with his pal Emily Banting but was later stopped when he arrived in the U.S. Airport for the tweets he had sent before his forthcoming.
Here's his tweet that Homeland security though very offending.

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Mr Bryan told security officials that 'destroy' is slang for party in the UK, but that was not enough to convince the homeland security to let go of him.
After making their way through passport control at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) last Monday afternoon the friends were detained by armed guards.
Despite telling officials the term 'destroy' was a British slang for 'going wild in party', the America homeland security remain adamant and were held on suspicion of planning to 'commit crimes' and had their passports confiscated.

it's really funny, but hey, start watching the kind of joke you'll be sharing next time, There's a Bot watching you!.