Things has really start getting out of hands for some Nigeria girls,it isn't up to a week now,that a girl stole blackberry and was dehumanized by some thugs,because gentlemen can't do that,only boys,and thugs for that matter can do that successfully.
how four Nigeria Female students were stripped naked for Stealing Blackberry phone.
picture proof inside.
Four Campus Girls in show of shame as they were fully naked by Angry crowd of people.
Four Delta university students Caught with stolen Blackberry soft touch phones.
The most shameful period of this act was when Youths tear their clothes into shreds.
The xmas period is arriving,and this girls need to Plan.so they plan to show they’re ‘big girls’,and that means,they've got to use Classic Blackberry.
Well,this four big girls,who were undergraduates of Delta State University, Abraka campus.
this girls were desperate to assume ‘big girls’ status, being the federal in most tertiary institutions, their fast lane lifestyle and desire to showcase high class status have landed them on the path of national and acclaim theft,which will or have already soiled their names nationally.
relating this after being there in the crime scene,
Mr TINA AKAIZE of Crime Correspondent, Delta state,
she relate How this four delta state university girls were caught,pants down and given the most humiliating insults of their lives.
These four Delta state university girls (names withheld) according to investigation by Hot Nigeria Zone,and other information that keep coming from people,who apparantly knows them,said that this four girls were seen loitering round a particular open bar in Asaba after they had observed the presence of some young men in sleek cars ordering for Hennessey, Moet and the rest.
Meanwhile, eye witness who were there also give account to Hot Nigeria Zone that the mobile phones,which are high classical touch screen blackberries,of these four rich guys were placed conspicuously on their table.
As this young,but rich guys empty bottles after bottles of wine.
they invariably became intoxicated. And yeah,the chance is arrived,as these girls stylishly and wonderfully walked up to this rich guys table and pretended as old friends, ‘caressing’ these guys in the process,but well,luck was out of town,because of the timely intervention of the bar attendant who noticed that these girls have craftily tucked the obviously drunken guys brand new Blackberry soft touch in their various handbags.
raising alarm as to this action,people around the bar and the Youths’ around and within the bar intervention.
He,the bar attendant,challenged the girls to produce the stolen Blackberry phones.
And this led to a heated argument.trust this girls,they can lie.The hot argument arose the attention of passers-by, mostly youths who sought to know what went wrong. By the time the bar attendant narrated the shameful story, these girls were slapped many times, naked and they confessed to committing the crime.
Police presence
The shameful gathering of sort created by this sad scenario could have led to violence, but for the timely intervention of the police, who took the girls away in their torn attires.

Wow!, thanks alot Legendkid, i can now check my jamb 2012 result, or 2012 jamb result
i really appreciate it.
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