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i'll say what 50cent did wasn't right, i'm really not sitting on the judgement seat here, but it’s not pretty.
In a very cruel and very odd outcry, Fiddy
(one of 50cent Photoshopping expertmates) has put Jay Z’s, head and face in a feminine way, onto the body of a baby, with a seemingly innocent message to the new parents – until you look at the picture.
She looks like her daddy - according to Fiddy
“Yal play to much congratulations to JAYZ and Beyonce BABY#BlueIvyCarter IS GEORGOUS,” 50cent Tweeted.
Later on 50cent also tweet again.
“You bull sh*ting they will pay a million dollars for a picture of that baby lol trust me.”
Mo money, mo problems" He said.
50Cent has once threatened to take Beyonce for himself and have babieswith her, he even tried to make people believe he's not going to leave long, well, i'll say that 50cent is out for trouble, but Jay-Z is to lookout for, because he too, can get a little more dangerous.
Thats a warning from a friend to 50CENT.
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