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Cult fight leaves five people death in Ogun state, Nigeria.
Five young students were shot dead yesterday February 1st following a clash between two rival cult groups,the Eiye Confraternity and the Buccaneers, at the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY), Abeokuta, Ogun State.
Cause of the fight? The usual. One cult member (Buccaneers) was killed by the Eiyes and they went to retaliate. The battle, which was fought with guns being shoot at each other, went on for hours at the Onikoloboarea of the town, leaving five people dead after it ended.
The Police PRO in the state confirmed the incident and said they have restored normalcy in the area, but what about the cult guys? Where are them now? But the police has no statements for that.
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