This was the question that was running through several peoples mind as A Teenager Commit Suicide Over Her nude Picture that was showed around by Ex-former boyfriend.

Late jessica logan picture
Jessica logan life was made a Nightmare when her ex-boyfriend,who did want to get back at her,decided to show off Her nude Picture around the Entire school.
USA teenager and student,Jessica Logan hanged herself in her own bedroom just weeks after appearing on the national TV to tell her story and stop others suffering in the same way as she is doing then.
Jessica logan,who's 18-year-old from Ohio had been harassed and insulted by the girls at her school so badly that she became miserable, depressed,confused and even afraid to attend her classes.

late Jessica logan's mother
Late jessica Logan's mother, Cynthia logan,did speak of the tragic loss as she took her grief and tears to the entire public in a bid to warn young people of the dangers of sending sexually charged photos and messages via mobile phone - an act known as 'sexting'.and yeah,modern love.
Being interviewed by MSNBC's today Program
when she was asked to describe who really her late daughter,Late Jessica logan is,she started by saying,
"She was vivacious.
She was fun to be with.
She was artistic.
She was compassionate.
She was a good kid.
she also further stated that
'It’s very, very difficult. She’s my only child. I’m trying my best to get the message out there.'
Sexting is a growing problem that has resulted in child pornography charges being filed against some teens across the entire U.S.
okay,Last year the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy surveyed teens and young adults about sexting or posting such dangerous materials online that might come cal to implicate them,just as it's has done to jessica logan,my daughter.
The results revealed that 39 per cent of teens in the US had sent or posted sexually suggestive messages, and 48 per cent reported receiving such messages mostly on their mobile phones,laptops or pc.
Mrs Logan said she never knew the full extent of her daughter’s anguish until it was too late. She only learned there was a problem at all when she started getting daily letters from her daughter’s school reporting that the young woman was skipping school.
'I only had snapshots, bits and pieces,until the very last semester of school,' she said.
She took away her daughter’s car and drove her to school herself, but Jessica still refused to go to school.
She told her mother there were pictures involved and that a group of younger girls who had received the pictures were really harassing her, calling her vicious and bad names, even throwing harmful objects at her while she's passing near them.
one of Jessica's friend Lauren Taylor who was interview by NBC reporters told NBC News: 'She was being attacked and tortured. When she would come to school, she would always hear abusive languages like this‘Oh, that’s the girl who sent the picture. She’s just a whore.’'
Mrs logan also appeared on US television to warn youngsters of the dangers of sexting,the later infects and taking certain precautions to avoid it.
Mrs Logan said officials at the school were aware of the harassment but did not take right action or decisions to stop it.
Mrs logan also recalled that the school said they would help but only offered to go to one of the girls,who was around the age of 16,
who had the pictures and tell her to delete them from her phone and never speak to Jessica again.
Mrs Logan suggested talking to the parents of the girls who were bullying Jessica, but her daughter said that would only open her to even more ridicule in her school,since she was afraid of more insults.
'She said, ‘No, I need to do somethingelse. I’m going to go on the news,’ and that’s exactly what Jessica logan did.she came on tv herself to give her own piece.
Jessica had been talking about going to the University of Cincinnati to study graphic design. Her mother thought she was over the worst of the bullying.
Then one of Jessica’s acquaintances committed suicide. She went to the funeral but when she came home, she hanged herself.
'I just had a scan of the room, her closet doors were open,' Mrs Logan told NBC News. 'And I walked over into her room and saw her hanging. The cell phone was in the middle of the floor.'
After her daughter’s death, her mother quit her job and was in hospital for a time with what she described as 'a mental breakdown'.
Mrs Logan said she’s been through six different lawyers in what has so far been an unsuccessful battle to hold school officials responsible for the bullying of her late daughter.
One Parry Aftab, an Internet security expert and activist in the battle to protect teens from the dangers of cyberspace, said there were laws that applied in this case.
'It depends on the age of the child. If somebody’s under the age of 18, it’s child pornography, and even the anonymous girl that posted the pictures can be charged with intrude into one's privacy.
They could be registered sex offenders at the end of all of this.
'Even at the age of 18, because it was sent to somebody under age, it’s disseminating pornography to a minor. There are criminal charges that could be made here.'
Mr Aftab said that it is normal kids just like Jesse who fall victim to the perils of the internet and the easy exchange of information on mobile phones,which are really getting increase by every seconds.Nigeria Shame Tales:
Another Girl Stole Blackberry Phone Again and Again!!
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